
Skin grafting for degloving injury

degloving with fracture 14 years old boy with trauma.  both leg wounds Add caption Healed wound


pre op photo upward gaze eye closure                                         4 day post op post op eye closure Ptosis means droopy eye lids, it is a fairly common problem.  These patients needs assessment and surgery according to assessment. In this patient levator plication surgery was done.

thumb replant

amputated part preserved in saline amputation stump successful revascularization of thumb  . Pink  thumb  16 year old girl under went replant of thumb for traumatic amputation thumb . She was taken up for surgery and long vein graft was placed to connect radial artery to ulnar digital artery of thumb. thumb pinked up and then two veins were repaired. Part survived then then the patient was transferred to ICU for monitoring . Subsequently patient underwent groin flap for wound coverage. Dr Adhishwar Sharma MBBS,MS General Surgery PGIMER Chd Mch Plastic Surgery Fellowship in hand and microvascular surgery 8860650846,



Macrodactyly Left hand

We don't see things as they are ,we see things as we are Macrodactyly is a  congenital condition which characterised by overgrowth of skin ,vessels , bones ,nerves and other soft tissue. It is of three types Lipomatosis , nerve related and hyperostosis. These body parts are deforming , functioning compromised. Treatment options are Debaulking Amputation Pre op photo  Pre op photo Pre op photo Median nerve  final at one month after 5 weeks After 5 weeks At six months At six months Dr Adhishwar Sharma MBBS,MS General Surgery Mch Plastic Surgery 8860650846