policeman and foot

Rajesh kumar 34 , a constable in haryana police was on duty in sept 24, 2015. While riding a motorcycle he met with a accident , he was brought to our hospital and admitted. He had a heel injury in which whole heel tissues were lost due to injury. He was taken for surgery and debridement was done

heel skin getting black
patient was planned for definative surgery during which microvascular gracillis flap was done.
On post operative day 5 skin grafting of flap done and patient was discharged on post operative day 7. post op dressing continued for around three weeks during which all wounds healed. After one he was allowed walking and weight bearing. After two months of injury he joined duty as policemen
Timely surgery and micro vascular surgery can rehabilitate any individual to a productive life.

All photos with consent

Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846 ,adhishwar7@gmail.com


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