amputation stump recontruction
32 year old man suffered a near total amputation to right leg due to road traffic accident . By the time they reached hospital part was considered non replantable, So decision was taken to amputate the leg and cover stump with LD flap in order to preserve stump length. LD flap was connected to popliteal artery stump and vena comitans was used for venous drainage. Flap was skin grafted ,It took two months for all wounds to heal . Patient was fitted with prosthesis after another six months. Free flaps are sometime used to preserve the length of amputation stump , whenever skin cover is short . Usually muscle flap are used along with skin grafting to cover amputation stump. Sometimes Fasciocutaneous flaps ( ALT) are used. Preserving amputation stump length enables better ambulation and less energy consumption. It results in better ambulation and more gait speed. It is useful in you...