postop mouth opening

post operative mouth opening

Final mouth opening

22 yrs old boy who suffered facial burns and had total TMJ ankylosis.He underwent bilateral TM joint arthroplasty , Temporal fascia imposition arthroplasty . Post operative he regained excellent mouth opening and TM joint function. Patient was burned at the age of 4 years and he slowly developed ankylosis. He could not open even one finger both jaws were tight shut. 18 years he was living with this problem.Post operative he developed severe pain secondary to dental caries. he had a severe dental caries which flared post operatively. He did physiotherapy for 90 days to regain excellent jaw function. TM joint ankylosis is mainly due to trauma, infection. Burns is a unusual etiology for TM joint ankylosis.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma
MBBS,MS General Surgery
Mch Plastic surgery
Fellowship in microvascular and hand surgery


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