Line mans foot

initial wound 

Exposed bones

Entire wound

gracillis muscle with pedicle

muscle with skin graft

skin grafted wound

healing wound
3 years post op patient back to his job
3 years post op patient is having ankle stiffness due to ankle injury

A 48 year old male belonging to palwal district working in faridabad district electricity department
suffered a crush injury foot following a motorcycle accident. He suffered extensive fractures of foot and ankle. He lost second toe along all the soft tissue and tendons. 2 and 3 metacarpal were exposed and fractured.

Initial wound debridement was done and external fixator was placed .Once after all dead tissue was gone decision to do flap surgery was taken.
Gracilis free flap was done to cover the wound ,flap vessel were connected to anterior tibial vessels. After 5 days skin graft was placed . Gradually in two months patients wound healed and he stared ambulating. He returned to his job.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma
MB,BS ,MS Gen Surgery PGIMER Chd
Mch Plastic Surgery
Fellowship in Hand and Microvascular surgery


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