Elbow reconstruction with thoraco abdominal flap and skin grafting

pre op marking

32 year old man met with a accident which resulted in a degloving  injury of  elbow. Orthopedic surgeons stabilised the extremity with external fixator. Patient had exposed bones around elbow joint which necessitated flap surgery for elbow, but area was large . So decision was taken to cover necessary portion with flap rest was to be skin grafted.
 Later patient under went thoraco abdominal flap  and after three weeks flap division and skin grafting was done. External fixator was removed once complete wound healed and physiotherapy was started.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma
MBBS MS gen surgery
Mch Plastic surgery
Fellowship in microvascular and hand surgery
8860650846 adhishwar7@gmail.com

brahmanand clinic.com


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