Exposed TA and calcaneum and gracillis flap
wound with bone and tendon exposed lateral aspect of wound gracillis muscle graciillis muscle with pedicle flap being insetted A very bad crush injury of ankle occurred while patient was going on motorbike. Heel bone {calcaneaum} was badly crushed, orthopedic surgeon put wires into calcanaeum and tried to fix it. A big wound remained with exposed Tendo Achillies which needed cover . It was infected and dirty wound so VAC therapy was put on the wound to reduce infection and it was planned to cover it with a flap once it improves. Debate of muscle versus skin flaps will be always be there in plastic surgery . Muscle flaps have inherent advantages in these conditions . So decision was taken to do gracillis flap which was connected to posterior tibial vessels. Artery was connected end to side and a single vein was done. Post op was eventful, flap was monitored for vascularity for five days and then patient being discharged. Patient was...