venous malformation forearm

Venous malformation is a bunch of dilated veins. They are due to abnormal smooth muscle in the veins  of  of affected part. Lesions behave like congenital varicose vein;they dilate slowly over time,blood stagnation can cause thrombosis and pain. Endothelial cell are normal , intralesional clotting often occurs. Phleboliths are formed due to calcified intravascular fibrovascular ingrowth. They are typical of venous malformation.

Psychosocial problem are often found because of its appearance.
Pain,bleeding,ulceration and
Obstruction and destruction of tissues .

Surgical excision

pre op photo

post op at three weeks

after excision of venous malformation
28 year old male presents with swelling on forearm , pain On movement.Swelling is compressible, non tender. MRI revealed extensive venous malformation on dorsal aspect of forearm.
He was planned for surgery, near total resection of malformation was done. Left dilated veins planned for sclerotherapy.

After one month patient was reviewed and found to have stiffness . Patient was advised physiotherapy.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma
MBBS,MS General Surgery PGIMER
Mch Plastic Surgery
Fellowship in Hand and microvascular Surgery


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