Groin flap for electric burn

Electric burns are of two types. Electric contact burns and electric flash burns. Electric flash burns are treated like the thermal burns. Electric contact burns are special that it cause  wide spread injury to tissues especially neurovascular bundle. Damaged to nerves, vessel and tendon is widespread and continue till 3 week post injury. Typically these burn have arching and have entry and exist points . These injury require multiple surgery , skin grafting and pedicle flap are mainstay reconstructive techniques. The reconstructive plan is to achieve wound closure and stage the reconstruction of tendon and nerve.

First stage is wound closure through skin grafting or flap cover . Groin flap is important tool in covering hand burns needing flap cover.
Tendon and nerve repair is second step and physiotherapy is third step.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma
MBBS , MS Gen Surgery PGIMER
Mch Plastic Surgery
Fellowship in hand and microvascular surgery


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