
Showing posts from November, 2017

Lajjo Devi and knee

Lajjo Devi was 45 old women from Mohna village of dist Faridabad Haryana. She was born in a village near Palwal. She was married at age of 20 ,after her first child she suffered from a osteoclastoma of knee. She was operated in safdurjung hospital , where excision of tumor and arthrodesis of knee was done. Her wound disrupted and skin necrosed , exposing her bone upper tibia. She was referred to plastic surgery department Safdurjung hospital where plastic surgeons tried a microvascular LD flap which stared bleeding from anastomotis site  third post op day resulting in flap failure. Suddenly the life of young women changed she was laden with a disability and young child . She was taken to many private practitioner but to no avail. Slowly hope waned and enthusiasm was replaced by a eerie acceptance,  Her relationship with in-laws and husband deteriorated and she was living with her brother. They were regularly consulting all available orthopedic surgeons but no was giving any ...

policeman and foot

Rajesh kumar 34 , a constable in haryana police was on duty in sept 24, 2015. While riding a motorcycle he met with a accident , he was brought to our hospital and admitted. He had a heel injury in which whole heel tissues were lost due to injury. He was taken for surgery and debridement was done heel skin getting black patient was planned for definative surgery during which microvascular gracillis flap was done. On post operative day 5 skin grafting of flap done and patient was discharged on post operative day 7. post op dressing continued for around three weeks during which all wounds healed. After one he was allowed walking and weight bearing. After two months of injury he joined duty as policemen Timely surgery and micro vascular surgery can rehabilitate any individual to a productive life. All photos with consent Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846 ,

sunder and pseudo aneurysm

In 2016 august 15, Sunder a 28 years old man from faridabad a factory worker, met with a accident while coming from work.He was  taken to Safdarjung hospital a large government hospital situated in New Delhi where treatment is largely free. He was taken up for surgery and external fixator was applied for reasons best known to surgical team.he was to be taken up for definitive fixation later on , alas that movement never come in a  busy govt hospital.In march he was admitted again and external fixator was removed and was put on compulsory wait for definitive fixation. Alas that movement never come. He started searching options in private sector. Royal hospital was situated in NIT area of Faridabad Haryana, it was run by two brothers Anuj and Sunil Dhingra both orthopedic surgeons. Sunder come to them in early summer 2017 with a request that his leg may be amputated . They both disagreed from him and his mother . They both urged him to go for surgery for fixation of fracture t...

Daniel Expo and Foot

Healed  flap                               Daniel expo and foot Daniel expo was christian men from south nigeria who serving in Nigerian army . He was in infantry and was promoted to sergeant. Radical islam was sweeping North Africa and Nigeria with its large muslim population was not unaffected from it. Boko haram was one such movement which was spreading violence in name of religion , kidnapping young girls, sexual violence , attacks on non believer and army bases. Nigerian army with its corrupt Generals was unable to control soon had ignominy of having its bases overrun by motivated rebels. Stung by reverse Army fought back , its casualty increased , wounded soldier were initially treated at army hospitals. But many injuries were too much for doctors at military hospitals and they were sent abroad for treatment, good for morale of army. Daniel was on patrol when he was ambushed by boko haram, the...

Ahmed and fibula

                                          Ahmed and fibula Ahmed was a young Iraqi teenager who was finishing school and preparing to go to college, but life had some other plans for him. His right knee started hurting and swelling.He tried to ignore it but could not do so as the symptoms persisted. he was taken to a local orthopedic surgeon who advised X ray . Results was ominous, and treatment advised was disaster; dis-articulation from hip. After recovering from the initial shock his family went around searching for the best possible way to save his was 2013 , Iraq was in the state of civil war ,health care resources were at an all time low. Advanced and specialized treatment was available overseas only. India,Turkey, Lebanon and Iran were popular destinations. India benefited from a long period of peace and prosperity, this allowed people to get educated and the ec...