barber's leg

It is a story of barber who was injured in a road side accident in 2013 near Palwal haryana India. Palwal in s small town with primitive health facilities but it is developing  gradually. He was operated at local nursing home by a orthopedic doctor who fixed the fracture.. Fracture failed to unite and there was bone gap, resulting shortening of limb.
 I often go to Palwal to operate at Sheetal hospital where I talked about vascularized fibula done for gap non union of bone mainly femur .Dr Sunil requested to do this surgery for this patient so we decided to do pedicled fibula for him. We operated him in 2015 march . We dissected out fibula based on intact paroneal vessels lower third of fibula was selected rest was used as bone graft.Window in muscle was created to  Surgery was fine I don't have intra op photo, fibula was fixed by a single screw and rail road fixator . Both ends of fibula were sharpened and medullary cavity were reamed to open up marrow cavity.Lower end of bone was secured with screw.
.After six months the fibula started showing signs of union at both ends. After almost one year patient returned to his shop to work as barber.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846


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