Hind foot reconstruction with gracillis flap


pre op

pre op

Post op in ICU
A 60 year old lady presented with a walking difficulty.She met with a accident two years ago , she under went above knee amputation right lower limb.and skin grafting on calcaneum bone. As the wounds healed problem of ambulation dawned on her ,she was given prosthesis, silicone soles and other things to improve ambulation. Nothing helped and she was largely wheel chair bound.

For sole reconstruction a microvascular gracilis was planned for her from her amputated leg. And flap vessels were connected to posterior tibial vessels, artery was connected end to side and veins were connected end to end. Flap was insettted and old skin graft was excised prior to it. Skin graft was placed after 5 days. She was allowed weight bearing after two months

Post op healing flap

Patient when all is well

with author
All photos are with consent

Dr Adhishwar Sharma    91  8860650846 adhishwar7@gmail.com


  1. Wow, I was amazed by how you helped this beautiful lady got back her feet. That's why I am always thankful to sports podiatrist for doing such a good job. Keep up the good work!


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