Female to male penile reconstruction

length of penis and urethera

Dorsal aspect

Pre op view and flaps marked

Flap during dissection with blood vessels

after tourniquet release

labial flaps for scrotal reconstruction , clitoral dissection, anterior vaginal flap for  urethral advancement

vaginectomy in progress


vaginectomy completed

labial flaps to reconstruct scrotum sac

microvascular anastomosis in groin

Groin wound


wound closed

A 30 year female under went Sex reassignment surgery . It is a major surgery consisting of many procedure clubbed together  
1 Vaginectomy : Removal of vaginal wall

 2scrotal reconstruction ; Raising labial flaps to form scrotum

 3mastoidoplasty ; Elongating clitoris and releasing from its attachment

 4uretheral elongation ; Urethral elongation from anterior vaginal wall flap

 5 penile reconstruction.   Radial fore arm flap to form penis and urethra
Patient came after one year and penis was found to be sensate . Patient under went penile implant insertion and testicular implant insertion in addition to coronal reconstruction.



Dr Adhishwar Sharma
MBBS , MS General Surgery PGIMER Chd
Mch Plastic Surgery
Fellowship in Hand and Microvascular Surgery
8860650846, brahmanandclinic.com


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